Learning his limits

So we are moved in and trying to unpack. One of us (usually me) watches Jackson and the other (usually Jared) does the unpacking. We switch a few times, but Jackson has really started to cling to momma! I finished the bathroom - well... I ran out of paint with ONE tiny section left, so I am done until I can get the next quart. We thought we lost our Sugarland tickets for the Thursday concert, but after a long search last night, we found them!
We took some time off from the unpacking last night to enjoy a grill out with my family - David was in town and Jackson loves his uncle David! We sat Jackson down in the grass for the first time and he loved it! So much that he tried to eat it! That is only the beginning of Jackson's new found testing of EVERYTHING!
He loves to look at Jared or I right before he is about to do something he isn't quite sure of. If you say no, he stops, looks at you again, and then just does it. He understands no and yes, but wants to know why you say no. Jared and I love to have Jackson explore, figure things out on his own (with guidance) and discover life as he sees fit. Jackson is so smart! He knows if we really don't want him to do something, we'll say no again and pick him up and move him away from whatever he shouldn't do. The biggest obstacle was the outlets - he has figured out how to remove the outlet covers. What a mind this 10 month old little man has!
He never ceases to amaze us! Jackson opens our eyes and our hearts to new things every day. He reminds us of what life is all about and teaches us to make each day the best!
Jared, Jackson, and I pray for all of you and hope you may all live your life to the fullest - remembering each day is a blessing!

1 comment:

Ed, Sarah & Sophie said...

He is getting so big! Congrats on the new house!