In good hands

We are down to the final days before Jared and I head out to Europe! We are both a bit anxious and don't want to leave Jackson, but as many have reassured us - he is in good hands! He will be staying with my parents and Jared's parents throughout the 10 days we are away. He will most likely be spoiled rotten and not miss us as much as we'll miss him. Jackson has been walking for a bit now. His walk is more of a quick shuffle, shuffle, step, step, fall. But he is getting there! He walked across our livingroom and gets the urge to turn around, but usually falls back. Just the other day though he was walking so fast he turned himself around by taking too many steps to the left. It was so cute! He gets going faster than his feet can keep up and before he knew it, he was coming back to me when he meant to be going to the couch. Jackson also has this mischeivious smile - he smiles real big with his teeth crooked to one side. I'll post pics of it as soon as I get my camera downloaded again. He also smiles like that right before he is about to do something he thinks is funny. Then he laughs and waits for you to laugh with him. He has such a great sense of humor! Always wanting to make people laugh! He is such a bundle of love!

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