Hooray Hooray! It is officially moving day!! I know, I know- cheesy! But in all seriousness!! IT'S MOVING DAY!! We are moving to our own place! Just Jared, Jackson and I!!!
Don't get me wrong - We are very thankful to Paul and Julie for allowing us to live here as long as we have, but it is going to be so nice to have our own place. And I know Paul is going to be thankful to get his office back and Julie is going to be thankful to get her rooms back. - We have taken 3 of the 4 extra rooms!
I just can't wait to be able to do things the way I want them done. I appreciate all that Julie does for us, but it is hard as a new mom, and with my OCD, not to do things the way I want them done. I am just ridiculous that way and I get very anxious if something is done differently. I also notice because I don't have control over how things have been done, that my OCD is worse in some areas. I have actually gone to the ridiculous lengths of organizing my bathroom shelf with all the labels pointing outward and it is organized in the order that I use it... I also have a certain way that Jackson's bottles need to be washed and if they aren't washed that way, I redo them and then sterilize them. I am also a big germ freak and HATE bugs, and being on a farm has really challenged me. I love the farm and all the history that it brings, but I can't stand the infestation of those lady bug/asian beatles and the boxelder bugs! Ugh! I get grossed out just thinking about them. I also have issues with spiders and spiders LOVE the farm! Julie could sweep and vacuum three times a day and they would still be all over the place! I know those beatle things and spiders will be around at our new place, but hopefully not in such large quantities.
Besides the OCD and bugs, it will just be nice to have privacy again! Our marriage can get back on track!
So, beginning tomorrow at 9am when my dad arrives, at the farm to help us move, we will be moving the essentials to grama's house in LC, where we will live until we find a new house we want to buy. Grama's house is huge and has plenty of room for us. We can set up Jackson's crib in his own room without boxes towering over him-see the pic! Those are our boxes by the way, but there is no other place to put them. We can also set up our new big screen tv and Wii it up without having to worry about interfering with Amazing Race or Dancing with the Stars (paul and julie's favorite shows) :)
I am sure Jared will miss his mom's cooking, but I have learned a few new great recipes and in no time, they will be his favorites!
Once we get all moved in, we will be having a party to celebrate our independence and to show thanks to our parents for all they have done for us while we took over their homes. Make sure you watch the blog for the details!!