What a weekend it was! Jackson spent quite a bit of time connecting with his cousins - Emma and Garrett. They went swimming in Jackson's new pool, went to the zoo, played at Grama and Grampa Anderson's, acted like jailbirds at the top of the steps, and then as you see in the picture of Garrett - spent some time resting.
I think these three have done it all together! Jackson learned a lot more about sharing - although he likes to yell and Garrett will grunt when they don't want to give something up. Emma has grown so much since we last saw her in Novemer 07. She is now 3 years old and more independent than ever! She loves to sing and can entertain all of us at anytime of the day. She loves to swim, although she does not like getting her head wet. Garrett has grown so much too! He is a little over a year and as much as he loves to be by his mom, he is very independent also! He loves to feed himself and loves his cheerios. I taught him the little spider game - when you walk your fingers like a spider and then tickle. He copied me and even made the doot doot doot noises! He loved the monkeys at the zoo and immitated the noises until someone laughed. Both Emma and Garrett are entertainers and love the attention they get from it. Always bringing smiles to everyone around. It was fun to see them again and to watch Jackson interact with them. It was fun to watch Jackson learn his way in the group - since Garrett is a bit bigger than him, Jackson at first gave in to Garrett, but toward the end of the day - they both put up a good fight for anything they wanted.
We will miss them, but there is plenty of memories to be made in the near future! Especially with another Peterson on the way - Jackson will have plenty of learning to come!